Tuesday 6 November 2012

My poor baby isn't well :( Little K has developed a nasty cold over the weekend and is quite poorly with it. We visited the doctors yesterday and had her back and chest listened to as well as her ears checked but it doesn't seem to be an infection, just a cold which has to run its course.
We've had a constantly runny nose, watery eyes, rosy cheeks, high temperature, lethargy, sneezing and coughing as well as 3 hours sleep one night instead of the usual 11! Cue the zombie look for me!
I hate when Little K is unwell. Thankfully she's never been overly ill, apart from a 24hr sudden illness when she was 5 weeks old which resulted in a hospital stay, but it's horrid to see her suffer none the less.

Get well soon baby girl,
Love and kisses,
TM <3

Bodycon? Yay or Nay?

So we have our friends little boy's Namind Day coming up and two things came to my mind..."what the hell will I wear?" and "what gorgeous little dress can I get for Little K?" Shopping for Little K was so much easier, straight onto Next Online and found the most beautiful little dusty grey dress with dusty pink stars and frills. Total gorgeous! Me - on the other hand - was not so easy. There are going to be a lot of people I was at school with at the Naming Day so had to make sure I looked good (or as good as I could). Most people that I know who are going haven't had children so their figures are still perfect.
After agonising for ages about what to wear I can across the dress shown above. I've never had a bodycon dress as they are super tight and hug the body meaning there is no room to hide anything! I made a bold move, ordered it in a size smaller than my current jean size, ditched chocolate and biscuits for 3 weeks and guess what...it fits like a glove! Super delighted! I feel amazing in it, it's VERY fitted, navy blue, shows off my curves and sits right at my knees, perfection. Now what shoes should I wear.....?

Love and kisses,
TM <3

Sunday 4 November 2012

The Little Things

This weekend has been awesome. Saturday morning was spent with Little K doing some housework. Little K loves to copy mummy and even learned how to dust the tv...pretty sure it was just because Peppa Pig was on! Mr L was working in the morning but when he came home it was off to stock up on some drinks and nibbles as we were inviting our Slovakian neighbours over at night. We also had a lovely family walk in the crisp autumn breeze.
Sunday (today) was spend being lazy in our jammies on the couch in the morning and playing games then Little K had a nap while mummy and Mr L lay on our un-made bed and talked for a whole hour (this usually NEVER happens!) about our life, career and future prospects. It was then off to meet Nan (mother-in-law), Grandpa, Uncle S, C and Little L for lunch and 'family day' at a local restaurant. There were games, music, dancing, singing and lots of laughs. We ended the afternoon by feeding the ducks, eating a little birthday cake then coming home for a bath and bed. Mr L is off out to work (and he's taken Cody) so the house is super quiet, very strange!

This weekend has been all about the simple things, the little things. We've had loads of family time, Mr L and I are closer than ever and I'm more than excited about new work ideas. I've come up with [what I think is] a fantastic idea for a book...and certainly something to look into further.

Exciting times.
I hope work and family life are just as awesome for you.

Love and kisses
TM <3