Thursday 27 September 2012

The Little Lost Mouse

Lessons were learned truly has been a day of learning for me.

Firstly I had an appointment at my solicitors this morning to hand over the keys and tie up the sale of my old flat. I used to love staying there but someone managed to ruin all the happiness connected with that home.
When Mr L and I were looking into buying a property, a 'family member' said not to bother about getting a mortgage, he would lend us the money with the agreement that we would pay it back in full, with no interest. An agreement was drawn up by the solicitor and we all signed it. Over the next three years Mr L and I made a monthly payment to said 'family member' to bring down the balance - as if we were paying for a mortgage. When we came to sell the flat and made a formal acceptance, this disgusting 'family member' said the money we were paying him each month was interest - even though the contract stated no interest was due. After many heated discussions and arguments, this so called 'family member' said he would not accept anything less than the initial amount he loaned us and if we didn't pay it to him we would lose out on the sale of the property. It's a super long story but we had to end up cutting our losses and agreeing to pay him £6k more than he was legally intited to otherwise my mum would be stuck in the middle and it could've potentially damaged our relationship. It makes me sick to think he could rip of his own family but he later called me a 'business deal and investment, not family'. Ugh! To think I let this nasty piece of work walk me down the aisle on my wedding day two years ago makes me sick to my stomach.
Lesson 1 of today was to cut your losses, hold your head up high and be proud instead of fighting in the gutter. Mr L and I have £6k less in our pocket than we should have but at least we know we didn't stoop to the level that man did...we're honest, loving, hard working people. We're a real family.

As a little bit of stress relief, Little K and I decided to go to Dundee shopping (well, I decided....she didn't have much of an option seen as shes only 1 year old). I packed Little K into the car with lots of her toys to keep her amused, including her favourite minnie mouse cuddly toy. She is never without this...ever. When we finally got there, I parked up, got her into the pram with her minnie mouse and set off to find some high waisted jeans.
I was completely in a world of my own for a few minutes...turned round to realise there was no minnie mouse in the pram! Little K had dropped it and I had no idea where. Gutted was an understatement! I searched the shop I was in, re-traced my steps back to the car searching the whole way...I tried everything but I still couldn't find minnie mouse. I was frantic. I decided to get on my phone and trace down a local Disney Store. After running round I managed to find a cuddly toy minnie mouse in the was massive but it was the only one so I had to get it. It didn't help by the fact Little K kept saying 'Yes!' every time she looked at it. After purchasing it and heading back to the car I decided to go via the shopping centre I was in before and find the customer service desk. I couldn't find it and decided to give up and head home...if someone had found it they would maybe have kept it (it was a damn cute minnie mouse!) or maybe no-one had found it at all. Just by chance, I found the customer service desk, went over and made an enquiry about the lost mouse. I couldn't believe it but I was greeted by a man HOLDING LITTLE K's MINNIE MOUSE!!!!! I could've cried! I was over the moon - even if it did mean we were now going home with an extra minnie mouse - much to Little K's delight!
Lesson 2 of today is to make sure you explore every avenue when trying to accomplish something and even when you feel like you're about to give up...try a little harder. It paid off for me and I'm sure it will pay off for you too.

Love and kisses,
TM <3

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